New Neighbor
New Neighbor Direct Mail Program
Our New Neighbor program is a monthly direct mail program targeting recent arrivals by zip codes. We target middle to high-income households surrounding your business and send them postcards with special introductory offers or welcome messages.

How the New Neighbor Direct Mail Program Works
New residents are looking for local businesses supplying products and services they need. Instead of waiting until they find you, you have a chance to find them first. Each week you have the opportunity to get in front of new potential customers to help your business grow.
Contact your 1844LetsPrint associate for details on how this powerful use of direct mail can work for your business.
New Neighbor Direct Mail Program Benefits
- As new prospects move to your area, you will receive a continuous supply of new customers.
- You can reach these prospects as they move into your area before your competition.
- A mailer printed on glossy stock utilizing print-on-demand technology.
- We help you craft offers and select the target audience, depending on income and other demographic data. Our proven direct mail offer strategies will generate business.
- You are able to personalize the mailer with your business’s information and change offers as needed.
- Every month you will learn about new potential customers.
- New Neighbor Program – Madison, Wisconsin.